Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Courts Closed ):

Okay, so I have been wondering and holding out hope, but found out today that the courts in Ethiopia are officially closed for the rainy season Aug. 6th thru Sept. 25th.

From what I have been told, yesterday was the last day to recieve a referral and a court date before the shut down. We can still get a referral at any time but will not recieve a court date until Oct. to Dec. at the earliest. You see usually you get a court date within 2 weeks of recieving a referral but now all of us who could get a referral from now until late Sept. will be wating for the courts to open, which will cause a back-up in the receiving of a court date and travel time.

No worries, this was the timeline we were given originally, we were just hopeful for a week or so that we just might get in before the shut down. However, I am still very hopeful that we will get a referral soon.

" Cease striving and know that I am God; I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the Earth." Psalm 46:10


Lori said...

God we'll bring him to you at the exact right time. We'll continue praying for you guys as you are kind of playing the waiting game.

emily said...

Continue to remind myself to "Be still and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in all the earth!" Psalm 46:10

It will all be in His perfect timing:) Hard to trust some days but He is faithful!! Can't wait to rejoice with you on your referral day!!!

Lori said...

So hopefully you realize that I meant that God will bring him to you at the exact right time.

Anonymous said...

Everyone is right. God's timing is perfect. Remember when I thought I was going to DIE if I didn't get John home? And now...well, it seems like a blur. One day you will be no longer day you will look back on this time with nostalgia. I will tell you this - and I hope it comes out right. Treasure this time with just Micah. I spent so many years waiting/obsessing over having/adopting more kids that I am not so sure I realized that I had a kid at home who was really rarely going to have me all to himself anymore. Somedays I feel badly for Eli - I just hope that he doesn't remember ages 1-5 as the "years that Mom stared at the phone or gave herself hormone injections". That being said, one day soon you will be on the other side of this and dealing with the wonderful and constant noise of whether or not to WATCH TELETUBBIES BECAUSE IT IS FOR BABIES AND WE ARE SURE SURE SURE THAT FINLEY IS DOING THIS TO KEEP US FROM WATCHING POWER RANGERS MOOOOOOOOOOOOM....COME DOWN HERE NOOOOOOWWW....JOHN KICKED FINLEY AND I THINK SHE HAS AN ARMY MAN IN HER POCKET...