Wednesday, May 28, 2008

turning 30...

wow 30 years old. When I used to look ahead to thirty I saw myself; in my hometown; living in the house my husband and I bought at 23; growing our family; ministering to college students and my husband still the director of the sports ministry he ran and loving it. Little did I know that God would call my husband and our family to start over essentially. We moved to NC two years ago for him to pursue his Masters degree, where we moved into seminary housing, all 800 sq ft. of it and he began school all over again.

BUT, the year leading up to 30 has brought many new and exciting things. We have been apart of a church family and home that has a PASSION for preaching the gospel and planting churches in order to do so and reach as many people as possible. Trevor has been able to work next to our gifted teaching pastor and begin working with college students again as the college pastor at our church. And last but not least we brought home our second son.

So while I don't live in my beloved hometown anymore or own my own home God has blessed us with a church home, the continued growth of family and the opportunity to work with the greatest age demographic ever. We are growing to love and call NC home. We hope that God will allow us to stay in the area and minister to college students and young families in RDU for a long time to come.

Thank you to my husband who is away for the week for his precious and thoughtful gift and for Anna who brought it to me, my two friends who have brought chocolate chip cookies and all the phone calls. I feel loved and remembered as I enter this new decade.


Elizabeth Prince Ceramics said...

Congratulations on turning 30!
I am now nearly 31, and can hand on heart say that this has been the best year of my life - I hope it is the same for you!
Warm wishes,

Carrie said...

Happy Birthday!!

Amber said...

Happy Birthday! I just read a blog today that had another blog that you may find amusing.
Have a great week!

Lori said...

Dustin turned 30 in Jan. and life changes all the time. We continue to be amazed at how God will use our family. I know y'alls anniversary & Trevor's birthday are also coming up. I hope y'all enjoy celebrating all of the above. I wish we could get together with our families.

Kerry said...

You old woman you, hehehe...I think I will turn "30" again this year too!:)

Happy, Happy Birthday!!!! We sure do miss you all here! I have my picture of me, you, Cindy, & Katie in my living room, and I really wish we could all be together again!

Come see us soon!


coffeemom said...

Happy Birthday! 30?!!! Wow, you have the best years ahead, go celebrate!!!

dp said...

Equally as surprising as you being 30 is that it's been two years since we all moved from the Boro. Crazy.

Anyway ... Happy Birthday!!! While I'm not always a consistent commenter, know that I'm a loyal Atwood-blog-lurker! Love and miss you guys, and pray for you all often!

In honor of your birthday I'm going to tell my roommates to, "Get out of my house!" and mail a cake to you with the Cutco-famed-quote of old: "Hey Ellie, you should leave for China every week; this cake is great!"


Anonymous said...

There is no way you are 30. I remember when you were 23~! Isn't it wonderful that God never changes!? Yet He is continuously amazing...
Happy Birthday sweet friend! Love, The Moore's

Auntie Heather said...

To me, you will always be that baby that I would "love" squeeze all my three year old might...and make you cry. Your first 30 years on this earth has been such a blessing to me and your entire family...I look forward to another you share even more growth, inspiration, love and friendship. Sending you a big birthday squeeze, this time with no tears! Happy Birthday sister.

Miranda said...

Happy Birthday dear friend!

mama becca said...

Happy Birthday... I'm just a year behind you :).
Thanks for sharing some of your story- I love seeing how the Lord leads families right to where He wants them :).
take care-

familyinflux said...

Happy Birthday! I just turned 30, too (3 days ago). I love when life presents the unexpected! Have fun celebrating!

Cindy said...

Happy Birthday Keva. Just keep in mind you look awesome at 30. Also, 30 is the new 20.

Please come see us in the 'Boro soon.


Anonymous said...

Girl, you are more together at 30 than I will be at 40. Not that this is soon or anything...oh, hush.

Happy Birthday, Love you.


Amber said...

I thought about you on the 28th....but of course my day got away from me without calling. I hope you had a wonderful 30th birthday! You are more beautiful then ever and I love seeing you glow with your two handsome children! We can't wait to hang out with your family again soon. We miss you! Lots of Love from the Alfonso's! P.S. We decided on a name for baby Alfonso...Karlee Alexis Alfonso!

Isaac said...

Your blessed. Congrats on thirty. The girls are eleven pounds now. yeah. My youngest boy just turned five. Never a dull moment! Have a great weekend.

lg2006 said...

Happy Birthday Keva!! I thought about you guys in May and wondered if ya'll would have a family Birthday party for Micah and trev! Update us when you can on how Isaac is adjusting these days!

Unknown said...

Oh my. You old woman, you. Happy belated birthday. See you guys next month!

Unknown said...

oh... that last comment wasn't from todd. it was me. :-)

emily said...

Happy Birthday sweet friend!! Your heart has been a tremendous blessing to me this past year! Thank you for being so generous with it. :)