Sunday, July 1, 2007

The poor and needy

Today at church our community and church planting pastor, Brad O'Brien spoke about pride and greed keeping us from serving and loving the poor and needy. This truly convicted me. When do I lend a helping hand to those who have less than I do and if I do, do I boast in my heart that I am a good person? Do I value MY time to much and think I have no time for working in a halfway house or serving food to the homeless or talking with young ladies who are pregnant and need help with what to do.
So, I pose this question from the story Jesus told about the Good Samaritan. Are we like the religious leader or priest who walked right by the man beaten and dying on the side of the road or the samaritan who cleaned his wounds and gave him shelter?
I know which one I am too often and I pray God gives me another chance.

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